GFiber Nutrition Label

What is the GFiber Nutrition Label?

The GFiber Nutrition Label was created because the FCC will soon require all internet providers to display their product info in a standardized format. We have always believed in being transparent with our products and pricing, so we’ve launched an initial version of the label before this FCC requirement goes into effect. 

Why is the GFiber Nutrition Label important?

With the FCC requirement of nutrition labels, all internet providers will be required to be more transparent with their fees, promotional pricing and typical speeds and latency.  

This will allow for an apples to apples comparison across providers so that it’s easier to select the best plan for your needs. 

What differentiates GFiber from other providers?

Simple monthly pricing
  • We don’t charge hidden fees. In some markets, we charge a small local access fee, of which 100% of this fee benefits your local municipality.   
  • Since we don’t believe in surprises on your monthly bill,  we don’t offer expiring promo bundles. This way, you can plan ahead and know what your bill will be each month. 
  • We don't charge monthly equipment rental or installation fees.  For our 1 Gig and higher plans, we give customers up to 2 access points or mesh extenders at no extra cost when they’re needed. If you cancel your plan and do not return your equipment within 60 days, there may be a replacement fee.  
Unlimited Data
  • All of our plans include unlimited data so you never have to worry about getting charged for overages. 
Privacy Policy
  • Google Fiber does not sell or share your personal information.

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